Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Universe Out of Nothing

We currently live in the "Big Bang" age; the era in which the Big Bang theory is the predominant scientific model for how our Universe was created. There are still a number of people who doubt this theory of the Universe, however, and these are often people who believe in a more Creationist approach based on religious faith - on a Genesis of some kind. 

Each party ridicules the other for their notions. Scientists who base their reasoning on logic, mathematical theory and material evidence find the theory of some divine intelligence creating the Universe absolutely ludicrous. Those of faith on the other hand find it hard to accept that the entire Universe and its contents simply "popped" out of absolutely nowhere and so despite all the hard evidence they remain unconvinced.   

The fact is, while the evidence that suggests that the Universe we live in expanded and evolved from a single point of space, is impossible to ignore, there are still certain incomplete aspects to this theory that even scientists admit they have absolutely no idea of how to explain. For example, according to the big bang theory the entire Universe began from a single compressed point of matter of immense density that suddenly exploded. The theory holds well as we trace back history from now all the way till the point when that dot of matter exploded. But ask any scientist where that point of matter originated from? No one can tell you. Why did it suddenly explode and create a Universe? Nobody knows. There are a lot of theories and conjecture of course but none that have any consensus or evidence to support them. The fact is according to Science everything originated from Nothing. But science has no practical means of defining what Nothing is. The only way science defines Nothing is as the 'absence of something'. But how can everything emerge from nothing? This is a paradox that even scientists cannot answer.

The Factor of Consciousness

The truth is that science, through all its advancements, failed to recognize that there is a fundamental factor operating in the Universe that has been ignored over and over again in every formula, every theory and every principle. This factor is Consciousness.

Consciousness is not just some theory or idea but rather it is the most empirically verifiable aspect of reality. You know you are conscious. You have absolutely no doubt about this. I know I am conscious; I have no doubt about this. Consciousness is evident everywhere in different expressions. The trees in the city park are conscious, your pet poodle is conscious, your insufferable boss is conscious, the E.Coli bacteria in your intestines are conscious. Consciousness is everywhere and is operating through everything, yet it is missing from any law of physics in existence. A theory of the Universe governed only by the laws of physics implies that there cannot possibly be Freedom of Will, because to have Will means to have the choice to operate in a spontaneous and unpredictable manner. The very physicists who develop and support these theories are inadvertently admitting that they have no Will of their own.

And so here is the dichotomy that we as a society find ourselves plunged into. On one hand, we are intellectually adapted to believe that science is a water-tight approach to reality, yet on the other hand our intuition cannot but feel that there is some important piece of this whole puzzle missing. Yeah, the Earth revolves around the Sun and there are a gazillion galaxies receding from each other and Pluto is no longer a planet, but how does this have any personal relevance for me? This Universe I live in doesn't even factor in my own existence into it. It’s a valid question.

The Quantum Problem

Up until a few decades ago this was a question that science always found some ingenious way to sidestep. But with the advent of quantum mechanics this changed. Just like a family may organize an intervention to confront Tommy with his drug addiction issues, Quantum mechanics confronted scientists in a way that avoidance was no longer an option. The discovery was simple - an electron when observed by an observer (the scientist) behaves differently than when it is not observed. This was arguably the biggest WTF moment in the history of science. When the scientist directly observed the electron it behaved as a particle, but when the electron wasn't being observed it behaved as a wave.

Here are the two implications of this experiment:

The first one is something that is now being whispered and gossiped about in the scientific community. It is that human Consciousness can impact the material Universe without any form of direct interaction. Simply looking at an electron i.e. becoming conscious of it, can alter its state. So if just looking at an electron can alter its behaviour what does that say about the rest of the known Universe? After all, aren't electrons the 'building blocks" of the Universe? Are you not, in this moment, 'looking at' trillions of electrons every nanosecond, even though that may not be how you tend to perceive it? And as you are looking at the trillions upon trillions of electrons that make up your t-shirt sleeve, the send button on your blackberry, the tip of your kitchen knife, are you not altering their behaviour? Isn’t your chair only becoming a chair (the electrons in it becoming particles) exactly because you are aware of it? Up until then it only exists as the possibility of a chair (the electrons as waves of potentiality.) There is a reason why this is being spoken about so cautiously in the scientific community because the implications of it will flip our entire worldview upside down.

The second implication is far more profound. I haven't heard of anyone in the scientific community yet who has gone this far with the implication. To illustrate let me give you a scenario:

It is 6:00 am and you are in a subway car. It’s early and at this moment, you are the only person on the car. You are relaxed, your gut is hanging out ever so slightly, and you are slouched and unconcerned about what you look like. "Ping!" the doors open and someone walks in and sits opposite you. Suddenly you are aware of the presence of another human being. Your gut retracts ever so slightly, your posture stiffens and you become a little more wary. You are still relaxed and the change although extremely subtle, has nevertheless occurred. You can't help it. What has really happened? Your consciousness has interacted with the consciousness of another person and that dynamic has caused a change. The other person, upon seeing you, has responded with their own change. The other person's presence makes you "self-conscious". When you are by yourself, you may go through long periods of time when you aren't even aware of yourself, but in the company of others you naturally become aware. Consciousness induces consciousness.

When the scientist observes the electron, it is not simply a matter of the scientist's human consciousness altering the material state of the electron. Rather, the scientist's Consciousness induces the Consciousness of the Electron. The electron, becomes Conscious of the scientist observing it and reacts by altering its state. The electron becomes "self conscious".

The Nothing before the Something

In developing a theory of the origination of the Universe, science has reached the boundary wall of logic and now is beating its head against it. It has reduced everything into One thing. But it can’t penetrate any further, because the only thing that is prior to the One thing is the No-thing. But what is this Nothing? Let’s take a certain analogy.

Think of yourself lying on a mad scientist's table. The mad scientist says,
"You are nothing more than a collection of bone, muscle, organ and tissue that emerged from one single cell!" And you respond defiantly,
"No! I am so much more. I am a human being." (Cue emotional background music). To this the scientist responds by amputating your arms, and laughing maniacally says, "See I have made you only 70% of who you are!" And you respond courageously like William Wallace,
"NO! I am still me and will always be!" At this point he chops off your legs and says,
"And now? Aren't you only half the person you were?" Upon which you respond,
"No! I am still the same!"
He now proceeds to remove all your organs one by one substituting them for mechanical ones that he attaches instead just to keep you alive (for the sake of this analogy). There is nothing left of you but your brain, which he begins to chip away at keeping you conscious all the time.
No matter how much of your 'material self' is removed or destroyed your consciousness, your sense of being, of existing, remains unaltered.  Now the reality is that the moment he destroys your brain completely your consciousness will no longer be able to 'exist' in the material sense. But has the Consciousness really been destroyed or has it simply retreated from that particular expression of a person? After all without the brain, human consciousness cannot find expression in the physical Universe. It is the single portal of expression for human consciousness. Using this analogy, let’s extend it to the big bang concept.

The Nothing that exists prior to the bang is Consciousness. Consciousness is really nothing from a material perspective.  It is a big fat zero as far as science is concerned. Yet, it is the big fat zero within every formula in physics that doesn't impact the formula from a mathematical (material) perspective, just like adding zero to any number doesn't change the number. Yet this Nothing is that Something that you feel yourself to be even as the mad-scientist chops you up piece by piece. It is the Nothing that is not affected when you are 70% of your material self (body), 30% of your material self or just a tiny fraction holding on by a thread. It is the Nothing that is always whole and undividable.

Similarly, that Nothing prior to the Big Bang is pure Consciousness and that single point of infinitely dense matter that appears is that single portal of expression of Consciousness. The entire Universe is one giant brain.

An Act of Free Will

In fact, physicists nowadays are developing all kinds of theories of Multiverses. Theories which propound that our own Universe is not the only one of its kind and that, in fact, there are infinite Universes coming into existence with similar big bangs every moment, all emerging from this single Nothing. There are many Brains that emerge from Consciousness.

And here is where the two seemingly paradoxical trajectories of science and religion intersect. Because religion posits that there is some divine, superior, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient power that created the entire Universe. Science says that everything in existence emerged from the same Nothing. Call it Divine, call it God, call it Nothing, call it Susan. They all point to the same reality. That Consciousness is the landscape in which Space, Time and your Grandmother's garden are all allowed to exist.

If an electron has consciousness, then atoms, molecules, microbes, cells, elements, rocks, dirt, plants, animals, humans, bacteria, planets, oceans, solar systems, societies all exist, subsist and evolve as a result of Consciousness. Even the natural laws and the laws of physics are given life and existence to by Consciousness. 

The infinite nature of the material Universe is born from the absolute Nothingness of Consciousness. All of Life as we know it is a single act of Free Will.

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