Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Playground of Imagination

Close your eyes. Immerse yourself in the darkness surrounding you. Allow everything to fall away. Forget yourself, who you are, what you are doing. Gradually, fall further and further into this abyss that is everywhere. Let your thoughts become no more than echoes fading into the distance. Let your breath be the only thing guiding you deeper and deeper. Nothing exists. Everything is forgotten. Sink into the depths of this emptiness. Become aware of the silence that grows as you descend. Silence is the sound of emptiness. Allow the silence to draw you in. Allow it to envelope you. Lost in emptiness, enveloped in silence the moment becomes a timeless experience of peace. Sense it. Know it. Become familiar with it. Allow yourself to feel this peace. Now become aware that you are not separate from this peace. The darkness, the emptiness, the silence, the echoes, the descent, the breath and the peace are all one seamless experience. It is all a flux. One transforms into the other, from moment to moment to moment. Now you are the darkness, now you are the fear, now you are the shallow breath, now you are the rapid heartbeat. Now you are the echoes in the mind, now you are the silence that envelopes, now you are the emptiness that surrounds, now you are the peace which remains. Become aware of every incarnation you assume. Watch it be born, watch it live a lifetime, watch it pass away. Rest in this abyss.

Open your eyes. Allow yourself to witness the world around you without comprehending. Witness your mind's impulse to rush into defining it. Like a fond mother gently restrains an overzealous child as they approach the playground - gently, fondly, compassionately restrain your mind from engaging right away. There will be plenty of time for play. First, you must learn to see that a game is all this really is. Remain aware of the silence, aware of the emptiness, aware of the breath as it continues to guide. Even with your eyes open, continue to linger in this perspective just a little bit longer. You are the peace which remains. Without comprehending the world, see the world. What do you see? Without comprehending the world, hear the world. What do you hear? Without comprehending the world, feel the world. What do you feel? Can you see the emptiness all around you, the emptiness within everything? Can hear the silence, the silence within the sounds? Can you feel the peace existing, the peace within the chaos? Just like the mother witnesses the playground drama unfold, with all the camaraderie, intrigue, friendship and betrayal that only children are capable of, with the same undifferentiated perspective of compassion; can you also witness the events of your world - with all the triumph, tragedy, heartbreak and celebration that only we humans are capable of, with the same undifferentiated perspective of compassion?

The mind is eager to play, I know. No need to restrain it any longer. You have arrived. Be gentle but firm with it, not strict. It was born to play. And play it will. Watch it take off the moment you let go of its hand - and suddenly you are once again you - this character that is your mind's creation, its prize possession, its favorite superhero doll. Allow the mind to use its child-like imagination to create new stories and new adventures for your character to embark upon. Witness its inexhaustible creativity at weaving thread after thread, story after story, adventure after adventure into an endless tapestry of a lifetime. Even when the story takes a darker or painful twist, don't worry too much. Children at play will sometimes get hurt. A wise parent is simply a guide, not an authoritarian. Pain is often the result of irresponsible play. Allow your mind to learn the hard way - that drama breeds suffering. The more freedom and autonomy you allow it the more it will learn to play responsibly.

No matter what costume you are being dressed in. No matter what role you are being asked to play. No matter what drama you are being asked to engage in, humor the mind but don't humiliate it. Let it know that you are choosing to play along out of love, not out of necessity. It will love and respect you all the more for it. If you scoff at the naiveté of your own mind, it may learn to respect you out of fear, but it will not love you. It will find a way to rebel. When the time for play is done, the eager mind will always want to remain at the playground a bit longer. It is energetic and enthusiastic and sometimes fails to recognize that the play, for the moment, is done. Gently remind it, that it needs its rest. That tomorrow is another day, another adventure on which you, its prized protagonist, will embark. 

As it slowly begins to rest, allow it to ease into your embrace. It may recount many of the adventures of the day: About the fantastical things it did and the not so great things that made it afraid. Give it your unconditional ear; listen to its every word as if it were the last. Trusting that it is safe in your embrace, allow it to gradually drift into silence. Slowly, surely let its rhythms become a more gentle flow.

Now, the mind is quiet again. Turn your attention inward. Close your eyes. Immerse yourself, once again into the darkness surrounding you. Allow everything to simply fall away. Forget yourself.  

1 comment:

Ankush said...

Excellent article, every word deeply resonates with me ....thanx for reminding my mind that it needs rest,,,