Trust has very little to do with people, events or circumstances. Rather its a reference point from which we relate to people, events and circumstances.
When you are grounded in an understanding that every one and everything you encounter is an essential and indispensable aspect to your own growth then you are operating from a place of trust. When you no longer view the many circumstances of life with fear or distaste but rather with a sense of curiosity then you are operating from a place of trust.
Because from this vantage point of trust your perception is able to penetrate the hard outer shell of appearances, and to grasp at the nugget of what that experience truly has to offer. Then, all experiences, joyful or painful, are taken as equally valuable in that they are all lessons that further our growth. And sometimes it is the more painful lessons that draw our attention more deeply into ourselves.
When you are operating from a place of trust for no other reason than because it is what feels the most natural and reasonable thing to do, then you can begin to extend this trust to your relationships and your environment. Your actions are no longer driven solely by future outcomes or agendas but more fundamentally by a desire to align with and stay true to your own unique expression. Your entire life then becomes one great act of faith.