You are all familiar how gravitation works. It is the universal principle of attraction within our cosmos. But not as many are aware just how the mechanics of gravitation work. Is it just some mysterious force that large objects exert on each other? Why is the Earth attracted to the Sun and the moon to the Earth and so on? The answer to this question lies in the Space between them.
Consider a soft King-size mattress with a perfectly even surface. If you were to place a ping pong ball somewhere on this mattress it would make a minor depression in the mattress but you will hardly notice it. Place a basketball somewhere in the vicinity and it makes a visible depression in the mattress, sufficient enough to cause the ping pong ball to roll towards it. Now place a 15lb bowling ball on the mattress and the depression is even more severe. The mattress appears to sink a good few inches under the bowling ball. The basketball and the ping pong ball are immediately affected and being to roll (gravitate) towards the bowling ball.
This is, in fact, how gravitation works. Space-time as we know it is not an empty nothing but is more like a stretched fabric on which all the objects in the Universe are placed. Our Universe is nothing more than a giant trampoline sheet with objects and clusters of different mass and density rolling around on the trampoline sheet, causing other objects to gravitate in one single unending domino effect.
The Principle of Energetic Gravitation
The Law of Attraction works according to the same principles as the law of gravitation.
The Law of Attraction is really the Law of Gravitation seen from the perspective of Energetic Resonance. What Gravity is within Material reality, Attraction is within Consciousness. In fact, rather than using the phrase 'Law of Attraction' I prefer to refer to it as the principle of Energetic Gravitation.
Just as space-time is the fabric of the Physical Universe upon which the dynamics of material reality play out, Consciousness is the fabric of the Energetic Universe upon which the symphony of Energies takes place. In this Energetic Universe, each Conscious Mind is the equivalent of a planetary body in the Physical Universe. While simpler minds like that of bacteria may represent smaller planetary bodies like asteroids with relatively minor gravitational effects, the mind of a cat for example might represent a much heavier and more complex body like that of a planet. These comparisons are not meant to be taken literally but only give a sense of relative scales. What mass is within the Physical reality, Conscious Density is within Consciousness. The greater the mass of a body, the more it bends space-time and creates a gravitational pull. Similarly, the greater the Conscious Density of a Mind, the more it bends Consciousness and creates an Energetic-gravitational pull.
The density of a Conscious Mind is a function of the range of frequencies within the Conscious Spectrum it is able to access. Recall the analogy of the musical scales that I used in Part 1. The basic sub-spectrum or scale, which is accessible to most conscious organisms, is the Physical sub-spectrum. The physical sub-spectrum is the lowest scale whose notes represent the various sub-conscious instinctual drives all living beings share - the desires to procreate, to survive, to preserve, to nurture and to evolve. You can witness these dynamics in effect even in the most basic organisms. A mosquito's desire to survive is no different from your own. Within the spectrum of physical drives, all beings are remarkably alike and express themselves quite similarly. However, what sets a dog apart from a mosquito is that the dog, in addition to having physical drives, is able to experience a range of notes within the next sub-spectrum which is the Emotional scale. A dog has the capacity to feel anger, sadness, joy, envy, hatred and loneliness not very differently from a human. A dog's Mind is thus able to access a greater range within the Conscious Spectrum and as a result has a greater Conscious Density than the mosquito.
The human Mind on the other hand is able to access yet another sub-spectrum within consciousness which is the Mental scale. Just like the dog, the human can feel the emotion of anger, but unlike the dog it also has the capacity to create an abstract thought model based on that anger. What that allows the human to do is to manifest that emotion at will simply by conjuring a thought that mirrors the circumstances that trigger the emotion. Whereas a dog can only feel anger if a real life momentary circumstance, such as a menacing postman, appears before it, the human can feel anger simply by conjuring the image of a threat without there being a threat physically present. As a result, the dog's emotion comes and goes with the postman, whereas your own emotion lingers as long as you choose.
As a result your human mind has an even greater Conscious Density and the Energetic-gravitation you create within Consciousness is much more profound.
Elemental Energies
Now, that we have spoken about the Physical, Emotional and Mental sub-spectrums of Consciousness, it is necessary to understand what each note within each of these three scales represents and how they are different from one another. Every note has a different frequency, a different resonance. So let's for example consider the notes do-re-me-fa-so-la-te. Each note has a distinct vibration, a distinct resonance frequency. Within each scale the 'do' note has the lowest frequency, the most dense vibration, whereas the 'te' note has the highest frequency and the least dense vibration. Now this do-re-me-fa-so-la-te progression of notes exists within each sub-spectrum of Consciousness in exactly that order.
A 'do' note in the Physical sub-spectrum may denote the instinct for survival which becomes especially activated in the face of a threat. The survival instinct operates even in a bacterium which has a very limited capacity to feel emotion. That same 'do' note will be experienced in the Emotional sub-spectrum as the emotion of fear. And finally, the 'do' note struck within the Mental sub-spectrum may trigger some negative thought of doom or gloom. Now while it is possible to strike the same 'do' note on all three scales at the same time (much as you would on a piano) it is not necessary that they are always linked. For example, you can experience the 'do' note as both a mental thought and an emotional fear but you may not experience yourself moving into survival mode physically. Or you could have a random negative thought of doom which really just passes by without triggering much of an emotion. Or you could feel a random attack of fear for no apparent reason while thinking about something completely unrelated. The 'do' keys are not necessarily related yet they resonate with the same tone.
Similarly, at the higher end of the scale, the 'so' key may denote the instinct to procreate in the Physical sub-spectrum. The same 'so' note may be experienced as the emotion of love in the Emotional sub-spectrum and thoughts of Well-being in the Mental sub-spectrum. Again it is not necessary, that all three get triggered at once. For example, you are able to feel the Emotional 'so' note of love for your parents without triggering the Physical 'so' note which is the basic sexual drive. Yet, you may trigger both for your spouse but your relationship may not trigger thoughts of contentment and well-being on the Mental spectrum.
The range of notes, or Elemental Energies, is of course far greater in Consciousness than just the six mentioned in my analogy. What this musical scale provides is a simplified image representing the basic framework of Energies within Consciousness.
The Conscious Density of the Human Mind
Each human mind is identical in its basic potential to access the Conscious Spectrum, just like every Piano has the same number of keys. However, the Conscious Density of each mind differs based on what range of the spectrum that individual mind actively accesses. A piano on which only a small percentage of notes are struck produces a far more simplistic music than one on which a much larger range of notes are used. Similarly, a Mind which accesses only a limited number of keys may be said to have a lower Conscious Density than that of a Mind that can use a broader range.
Take an infant for example. A human infant is only able to access notes within the physical sub-spectrum, a handful of notes within the emotional sub-spectrum and almost nothing within the mental sub-spectrum at first. A human newborn seems just as helpless as a fawn. In fact, the fawn may even display a higher level of intelligence initially than a human baby, as it is able to walk and survive far quicker than the human child. We may go even as far as to say, that at that stage the Conscious Density of a fawn is higher than that of the human infant. However, the reality is that the human infant represents the potential of a much higher Density, just as a Grand Piano represents the potential of a wider range of notes than say a prehistoric flute. As the baby grows, it rapidly begins to access the notes within the Emotional Spectrum. By early childhood, most children are as capable emotionally as are adults. Yet, the development on the mental spectrum takes a bit longer as the child's capacity to abstract his/her reality begins to take shape.
There is a whole range of Conscious-energy capacities within the human race. The average human individual has potential access to the entire range of all three sub-spectrums but perhaps accesses only a small percentage. Within that percentage that we usually access, the range sub-spectrum we are able to access the most is the physical scale, the next is the emotional scale and the lowest access is the intellectual scale. Then there are individuals who fall in variation to the norm. There are those whose mental capacities remain relatively child-like even though they have fully developed emotional capacities. There are those who may display high mental capacities yet their emotional range is very limited (this can lead to psychopathic tendencies if they are only motivated by Physical drives and lack emotional ability to connect to others). There may even in the rare case be people who do not have the ability to connect to the basic desires to survive, to eat or to procreate but regularly access the emotional, mental sub-spectrums. This may be the case in mystics in the east who infamously had to be fed and bathed by their disciples or else they would have died of starvation out of the lack of ability to connect to their physical desires.
How each Conscious Mind accesses the Conscious Spectrum impacts the Conscious Density of that mind. This Conscious Density is what creates the Energy-gravitation. The greater the Density the greater the gravitational pull.
However, Conscious Density is not the only criteria for the force of Energetic-gravitation to exist in Consciousness, just like the masses of two planetary bodies is not the only criteria for the gravitational force between them. Physical gravitation is also dependant on the distance between the two planets. Similarly, the difference in energy-resonance frequencies between Conscious minds is a vital factor in understanding the principle of Energetic-Gravitation. I refer to this difference in frequencies as Energetic Distance.
Recall, the formula you used in high school physics where the force of Gravitation (F) was directly proportional to the product of the two masses (M1,M2) and inversely proportional to the square of the distance (R) between them. In the same way, the force of Energetic-Gravitation is directly proportional to the Conscious Densities of two minds and inversely proportional to the square of the Energetic Distance between them.
(to be continued …)