Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Journey of a Lifetime

Imagine you are sitting in a train, gazing out the window. This train is powering on through the vast and scenic countryside. Farm after farm passes you by; you catch a glimpse here and there of farmers hard at work in their fields. Yet, they vanish from your sight no sooner than your curiosity is aroused. The mountains in the distance stay with you for a while longer. Massive and majestic, they seem like permanent fixtures in this world of your perception. They seem to move with you. They seem reliable companions. You doze off for a while, not knowing how long. And when you wake, the mountains are gone. Your majestic companions who seemed so steadfast and reliable have vanished without a trace, like wisps of cloud over the horizon. In their place, an expanse of yellow plains as far as the eye can see, and the river that has been by your side from the moment you began your journey. This river, she will never forsake you. She has always been there, since the very beginning. And yet, an hour comes when you see her branch away, ever so slightly at first. Then further, and further. Now she is no longer parallel to your path but moves away at an angle, farther and farther. You strain to trace her with your eyes, but she fades mercilessly out of existence. Now, she too has gone. You are left with an unfamiliar terrain. Fields appear and fields pass, forests appear and forests pass. Mountains again, newer and more majestic, pass away as effortlessly as if they were a breeze. A new river appears and stays with you for a while. Waterfalls, villages, people, livestock, cities, canyons, plains and tunnels - all pass before your eyes. Each one is real only in this moment, but in the next merely a figment of your imagination.

But the whole world already exists in one moment. It is only you who are passing through it. You cannot help it. You are only a passenger on this train.

Time is the landscape through which you are traveling. It may seem, from your vantage point, that it is Time that is passing and you who are stationary. But just like the passenger on the train, you are only a passenger moving through the landscapes of time. Your body is the carriage in which you are sitting, your mind the train's engine propelling you through time. Moment after moment passes you by, you catch a glimpse here and there of humor or goodwill, but no sooner is your curiosity aroused that it vanishes from your sight. Your beliefs and your ambition loom majestically in your vision like permanent fixtures in your perception. They move with you, like reliable companions. But you awake one day to find they are gone, without a trace like wisps of cloud over the horizon. In their place, a vast empty landscape of uncertainty. At least, love will never forsake you: Love, that has been there since the moment you began your journey. But then a moment comes where it begins to branch away, ever so slightly at first and then further and further, it fades mercilessly out of your existence. You are all alone now and steeped in uncertainty. Yet the movement forward continues unceasing. Humor and goodwill appear and recede, joys and sorrows appear and pass. New beliefs and ambitions, newer and more majestic, pass away as effortlessly as if they were a breeze. New love appears and stays with you a while. Good fortune, camaraderie, regret, unhappiness, success, abundance, anger and insecurity - all pass before your eyes. Each one is real only in this moment, but in the next only a figment of your imagination.

Everything passes. Nothing remains. Only memory, but even that passes. Solidity is the appearance you have chosen to accept as your reality. But reality has no real solidity. It is the stuff of dreams, smoke and mirrors. 

As you watch time flowing past you, become aware of yourself flowing through Time. Regardless, of what passes, has already passed or is about to pass; regardless, of the love, joy, sorrow, regret, successes and failures that appear, disappear and reappear relentlessly; become aware of the Eye of Perception that is witnessing it all happen. It is your Eye. Even as the world changes, it does not change. Even as the moments pass, it does not pass. Even as your body and mind age, it does not age.

This is the world in which nothing remains, where everything appears and disappears relentlessly. Yet, the Eye of Perception, has always been present. It never appeared and can never disappear, it has no beginning nor an end. Because, it does not belong to this world. It is what has created it. 

As with everything else, you too will pass one day. Your journey from childhood to adulthood and finally old age will be complete. The vehicle of your body will no longer be of service, the engine of your mind, decommissioned. An entire lifetime of love, ambition, joy, sorrow, success, failure, abundance and regret will be nothing more than a memory, the stuff of legend, the topic of a warm dinner conversation. 

But the Eye of Perception, its journey complete, will disembark from the vehicle having arrived at its destination at last. With a deep breath and a single stride, it will return once again to that infinity of existence from where it came: that sea of possibility where all realities can simultaneously coexist; where every life it has lived is nothing more than a cherished dream.  

This is the journey of a lifetime. And You are more than what meets the Eye.

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