The lack, the dissatisfaction, the anxiety you feel is not an evaluation of reality but rather is a reflection of your own internal discord. It is an indication of how out-of-synch you are with reality. Reality is the flawless mirror which reflects you back to yourself. If you get angry with the mirror,the mirror remains unaffected, it is only your reflection that scowls back at you.
There is nothing dramatic or extraordinary about life. The drama and the extraordinariness is the overlay we ascribe to it. Success, failure, triumph, tragedy, war, peace, oppression, revolt, violence, justice, birth, death are as ordinary an occurence as the first snow of winter, a bird nesting in its tree, smoke rising from a cigarette and the whistle of an approaching train.
To Life, the mirror, these are all phenomena of equal relevance and profound ordinariness. In recognizing how profoundly ordinary everything is, no matter how small or vast in scope, no matter how mundane or sensational, we come closer and closer to a sense of harmony with reality and a deeper sense of reverence for all that is.
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