Positive and negative are the two basic aspects of everything that exists in nature - from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Everything exists as a polarity of the two. And it is the interaction between the two that manifests as movement, as energy, as flux and as life.
A Universe in which everything is only positive would be devoid of any experience. Because there would be nothing to contrast against, nothing to relate with. There would be no way to even be aware of anything. This would be the case in a purely negative Universe, as well. Yet, when both positive and negative are present, the contrast between the two allows the current of reality to flow.
A photograph that is only white would show no image, nor would one that was only black. It is when the two coexist in relationship and balance that the image becomes clear and discernible. When positive and negative exist in balance, life can exist in harmony. However, when the balance begins to shift into bias in either direction the photograph soon becomes over exposed or under exposed compromising the image.
What we term as “being positive” or “positivity” in our society is really a positive bias. And what we term as “being negative” or “negativity” is really a negative bias. As a culture we have come to fear the negative aspect of ourselves and have labelled it as undesirable and the positive as desirable. This is the very attitude that skews us.
The pursuit for Happiness is rarely a pursuit for balance and more often a pursuit for some state of pure and unconditional positivity. And this is where we tend to miss the mark in a big way. Because in skewing our perspective to value all that is worthy and positive in us and suppressing, denying and reprimanding all that is negative what we are really doing is fragmenting ourselves even further. We are creating an even greater divide between the two poles, a divide that energizes the conflict between the two and allows for misunderstanding and a lack of compassion.
In effect this is what we are witnessing in the word around us. Humanity itself functions very much like a single entity. We value those who represent all that is positive, all that is good, all that is in service of others. But also devalue those who represent the negative, all that is evil, all those who are in service of only their own perversions. The effect this has is in creating a further gulf, a greater void between the two and thus enhances the fear, the mistrust and the violence. The greater the polarization, the greater the conflict. Watch the dynamic at play within yourself.
When you are ready and willing to come out of denial and recognize that there is not one, but two, essential and equally vital aspects to yourself, then you may choose to approach it from a very different perspective. In recognizing that neither the positive nor the negative is of more value but that it is the harmony between the two that is your greatest responsibility, you immediately begin to see things from a new perspective. You see your body and mind as a weighing scale (a balance with positive on one side and negative on the other). Too much bias in either direction causes the scale to tip.
Ultimately, it is the dynamic between positive and negative that allows for growth and evolution. And in every case both positive and negative are of benefit. When the dynamic within you is a harmonious one, the flow of your life becomes more effortless and you embrace the whole of your being.
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