Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Depth of Choice

All that we think, feel and believe to be true about ourselves is a choice. It is a choice we make from day to day and moment to moment, consciously or unconsciously.

Most people are unaware that this choice even exists. We live our lives defined by what we feel and think, accepting them as truths and enduring their consequences. As a result, we come to believe the limit of our ability to choose extends as far as our likes and dislikes, our ambitions and goals, our purpose in life. We rarely ever stop to consider that this very person, this "I", with its name, identity, thoughts, feelings and motivations itself is a choice.

As we grow in self-awareness we become exceedingly aware that we are in fact actively choosing who we think we are. To be "self aware" means to be aware of yourself. It is to witness yourself, almost as a third person in the equation. To watch yourself as you interact with the world and with others. To watch your emotions arise, fears arise, motivations arise and thoughts arise. To see the subtle ways these catalysts move you and how in turn you energize them.

In order to witness this "person that you are", you must actually sit outside your person. Almost like standing outside the window of your own shop (which is your body-mind) and looking in. As you become more and more familiar with observing yourself, you become simultaneously aware that this "person" you are witnessing with its own particular flavors of emotion and thought is really a choice. No thought is believed until you choose to believe it. No emotion can be adopted until you choose to adopt it. Nothing you see in your store window has been placed there without your permission.

To realize this is extremely liberating. When you see that what you are is a choice, then you see that everything is optional. Fear is optional, anger is optional, struggle, resistance and suffering are optional. And even though you may continue to choose to experience these heavier emotions out of habit, the awareness that an alternative exists will gradually cause a transformation in your relationship with yourself.

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